Welcome (back) (briefly) to the blog era.
Hey. It’s Rembert.
Starting on Thursday, April 16th, I’m going to blog for 158 straight days.
Why? 2 reasons:
1) Because I started a blog a decade ago. It was a good blog. I was supposed to blog for 500 straight days, but only made it 342 (I got a job). So it’s time to finish that social experiment.
2) I want this newsletter to raise money for those who need funds, sooner than later. So I’m charging $5/month (roughly 17 cents per blog post — someone check that math and text me if it’s wrong).
Who’s it going to? Great question.
I’m going to distribute money from the subscriptions to people, places, and things that have been hit hard by this unexpected financial moment. One week, it could be a relief fund for two restaurant staffs and a local charity, the next — two friends that got laid off, a DJ that’s no longer getting gigs, and a friend’s mom who got furloughed. Another week, I might just send the money to Shea and let him go to work.
Every week, I’ll log the money that’s come in. And then will distribute it. And then will log where it’s going. And then will make that available (will redact the names of individuals, unless they actively want to be named).
You’ll have something every day, until September 21st, Jason Derulo’s birthday. And then it’s over.
Okay, gonna go figure out what to blog about now, bye.
In the meantime, watch this. Bye for real this time.